
Agent Source token 7750d578-d74d-4e92-9348-cd443cbb7afa
Consumes Artifacts domain-list
Subject coverage All blogs hosted on Wordpress.com that are listed in the search.
Object coverage All DOIs, landing page URLs, plain-text DOIs.
Data contributor Authors of blogs on the Wordpress.com platform.
Data origin Wordpress.com search results API, and the blog posts they point to that are hosted on Wordpress.com
Freshness Every few hours.
Identifies Linked DOIs, unlinked DOIs, landing page URLs
License Creative commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
Looks in HTML of blog posts
Name Wordpress.com
Operated by Crossref
Produces Evidence Records Yes
Produces relation types discusses
Source ID wordpressdotcom
Updates or deletions None expected

What it is

Authors of blog posts hosted on the Wordpress.com platform link to registered content items. The Wordpress.com Agent monitors the service to look for these links.

What it does

  • Scans every article landing page domain in the domain-list, including doi.org
  • Makes a query to the Wordpress.com API for blog posts that mentioned that domain.
  • For each result, visits the blog post and attempts to extract links from the HTML of the blog post.

Example Event

"license": "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/",
"obj_id": "https://doi.org/10.1007/s12122-016-9232-5",
"source_token": "7750d578-d74d-4e92-9348-cd443cbb7afa",
"occurred_at": "2017-04-01T00:33:21Z",
"subj_id": "https://unionreaderblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/01/the-2011-industrial-relations-reform-and-nominal-wage-adjustments-in-greece-524/",
"id": "00011980-a1c3-4b85-a5b4-84cf3082f51c",
"evidence_record": "https://0-evidence-eventdata-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/evidence/20170406-wordpressdotcom-8a2287c9-e16e-4e19-aa7c-275ac249c4f6",
"terms": "https://doi.org/10.13003/CED-terms-of-use",
"action": "add",
"subj": {
  "pid": "https://unionreaderblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/01/the-2011-industrial-relations-reform-and-nominal-wage-adjustments-in-greece-524/",
  "type": "post-weblog",
  "title": "The 2011 Industrial Relations Reform and Nominal Wage Adjustments in Greece"
"source_id": "wordpressdotcom",
  "obj": {
  "pid": "https://doi.org/10.1007/s12122-016-9232-5",
  "url": "https://doi.org/10.1007/s12122-016-9232-5"
"timestamp": "2017-04-06T13:34:23Z",
"relation_type_id": "discusses"

Evidence Record

  • Includes batches of landing-page-url type observations.

Edits / deletion


Note that this only monitors blogs hosted on Wordpress' wordpress.com platform. It does not monitor all blogs that use the Wordpress software.

Failure modes

  • Publisher sites may block the Event Data Bot collecting landing pages.

Further information